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 (Movie) Legendary Amazons (2011)

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Jumlah posting : 123
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Join date : 09.11.11
Age : 37
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(Movie) Legendary Amazons (2011) Empty
PostSubyek: (Movie) Legendary Amazons (2011)   (Movie) Legendary Amazons (2011) EmptyThu Nov 24, 2011 4:39 am

Legendary Amazons (2011)

(Movie) Legendary Amazons (2011) 716legendary_amazons_2011

Also Known As: Yang Men N Jiang Zhi Jun Ling Ru Shan
Directed by: Frankie Chan
Country: China
Language: Mandarin
Subtitle: English/Chinese (Hardsubbed)
Year: 2011
Genre: War

Synopsis wrote:
The film is set in early 11th century China during the reign of Emperor Renzong of the Song Dynasty. The emperor neglects state affairs and indulges in personal pleasures, while the government sinks into corruption and war continues to rage on at the borders of the Song Dynasty. The Song Dynasty is being invaded by the armies of the rival state of Western Xia.

Yang Zongbao is the last man standing in the Yang clan, a family of generals who have dedicated their lives to defending the Song Dynasty from foreign invaders. He dies in battle tragically when the treacherous Imperial Tutor Pang refuses to send reinforcements to aid him. Yang Zongbao’s widowed wife Mu Guiying leads the other widows of the Yang clan into battle to continue the legacy of their husbands.

Cecilia Cheung as Mu Guiying
Richie Ren as Yang Zongbao
Liu Xiaoqing as Princess Chai
Cheng Pei-pei as She Saihua
Kathy Chow as Fifth Sister Yang
Chen Zihan as Eighth Sister Yang
Jin Qiaoqiao as Third Sister Yang
Xiao Mingyu as Yang Wenguang
Ge Chunyan as Eldest Sister Yang
Oshima Yukari as Zou Lanying
Li Jing as Geng Jinhua
Yang Zitong as Fourth Sister Yang
Yu Na as Seventh Sister Yang
Liu Dong as Ninth Sister Yang
Zhou Xiaofei as Yang Paifeng
Wang Ti as Yang Jinhua
Zhao Qianyu as Xiaodouzi
Wu Ma as Imperial Tutor Pang

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Legendary Amazons
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